Terms of Use
Use of this site implies consent to these terms of use. If you do not agree with these terms, do not use this site.
While we strive to make the information we share as accurate and complete as possible, errors may appear and the information may be out-of-date, incomplete or incorrect. Senior Seasons does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of information from these sources, nor do we endorse or recommend any of the homes. Personal information received from the client is used to assist in determining which homes are most appropriate for the client. By sharing this information, the client authorizes Senior Seasons to disclose the information to prospective homes in order for them to evaluate the client for possible acceptance into the home.
Hold Harmless
Senior Seasons is committed to educating seniors and their families so that they can make the best senior housing decisions for their personal situation. We exercise no independent judgment as to the quality of the providers, nor do we endorse any. We do not provide specific advice regarding which provider you should use and you should make decisions regarding service providers only after consulting with them, your family members and other knowledgeable sources, based on your specific needs, after a thorough review and investigation. Senior Seasons accepts no responsibility for any negligence or misconduct by any home referred to the client. The final decision as to which home will be chosen shall be based solely on the client’s assessment of each home. The client shall not rely on information from Senior Seasons as the sole basis for choosing a home. Any claims by the client against a home referred by Senior Seasons shall be solely between the client and the home. Senior Seasons shall not be liable to the client and the client hereby agrees to waive any claims against Senior Seasons for any damages caused by a referred home to the client.
Third parties or links may appear on this site, but do not imply endorsement by Senior Seasons. We may provide links to information outside of this site as a resource. However, Senior Seasons does not endorse any views expressed or products or services offered by organizations that are linked to or from our
site. Information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for individualized legal or financial advice. Any person who visits this site who needs legal advice, an attorney or financial advisor should seek the advice of a trained professional.
Referral Fee
The client understands that Senior Seasons may be paid a referral fee from the home if the client moves into a home referred by Senior Seasons.
Copyright 2004-2011 by Senior Seasons, Inc. All images, website design elements, graphics, text, logos, buttons, icons and the presentation, selection and arrangement of content, except where otherwise noted, are the exclusive property of Senior Seasons. All rights reserved, including, but not limited to, rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any means, including the making of copies by any photo process or by any electronic or mechanical device(printed, written, or oral), or recording for sound or visual reproduction, or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless prior permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietor.